Blueprint Snippets with Angular CLI


The angular ClI generates from blueprints, this means that the cli will generate code for use using a cli command, or a blueprint that will define the file and we can indicate options and filename of the file.

ng generate <blueprint>  

For example the generate command will generate code from a blueprint


ng generate <blueprint> <options>

Use the --dry-run or -d option command to practice (meaning that the file won’t be written instead only shows and output of the command)

ng generate component customer
ng generate service customer-data
ng generate class customer-model

Generate Components with Angular CLI

ng generate component customer

or You can use an Alias

ng g c customer

Common component blueprint Options

| Options | Alias | Description | |———————-|——-|—————————————| | –flat | | Should be a folder be created? | | –inline-template | -t | Will the template be in the .ts file? | | –inline-style | -s | Will the style be in the .ts file? | | –spec | | Generate spec? | | –view-encapsulation | -v | View encapsulation strategy | | –change-detection | -c | Change detection strategy | | –dry-run | -d | Report the files don’t write them
|–prefix | | Add prefix to component

Common ways to generate components

ng generate component pet
ng generate component pet --inline-template --inline-style

Using Alias

ng g c pet
ng g c pet -t -s (alias makes efficient shortcuts)
ng g c pet -ts (stacking aliases)

ng g c pet --flat (won't create a /pet folder)

Generating Angular Directives with Angular CLI

Generating Angular Directives is similar to generate a component but in this case we use ng generate directive <directive-name> or using alias ng g d <directive-name>

Let’s see a few examples:

ng g d search-box
ng g d searchbox --flat false 

Using the flag --flat false will generate a separate folder fo the directive by default it will create the directive in the source app folder.

Generating Angular Services with Angular CLI

Generating Angular Services by blueprint is similar to generate a component but in this case we use ng generate service <service-name> or using alias ng g s <service-name>

Let’s see a few examples:

ng g s sales-data
ng g d searchbox --flat false 

Generating Classes with Angular CLI

Let’s say we want to have a model directory where we put our models/classes ` mkdir models`

Use alias cl for class

ng g cl models/customer

It will create the class inside our models folder.

Generating Interfaces with Angular CLI

This command will create a interface inside the folder models that we created in the previous step

ng g i models/person

Generating Enums with Angular CLI

This command will create an enum file inside the folder models that we created in the previous step

ng g e models/gender

Generating Angular Pipes with Angular CLI

ng g p init-caps
ng g p shared/init-caps

The first command will create it in the root directory /app while the other command will create the new pipe in the folder /shared/init-caps.ts

Generating Angular Modules with Angular CLI

ng g p init-caps
ng g p shared/init-caps

The first command will create the pipe in the root directory /app while the other command will create the new pipe in the folder /shared/init-caps.ts